I have installed one war file (Ex. ManageExcel.war)
to my local BPM.
Following are the
2 users that I have created to my local BPM server.
I would like to
give user1 role as Monitor + <<special role>> so that he can
own the MangeExcel deployment.
Sr No
User id
This user is administrator user & have all rights on BPM platform.
This user as same rights like “jsapariy” as explained above.
To give special role to any user, we need to create “Administrative Authorization Groups”.
This group allow you to
restrict/allow particular user to access particular resource.
As per
below snapshot I have created AAG group WAR_DEPLOYMENT_GRP with access of “ManageExcel.war” (Ex. Snapshot 1).
I have added
“user1” to this group (Ex. SNAPSHOT-2).
Hence when user1 will login in
was console (Ex. Snapshot 3) , it will have only “ManageExcel.war” file
access & read only access for
other application.
Remember thru AAG we can control Cluster, Nodes, Application, and Business Applications etc.